Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Real Madrid

Last night we went to a Real Madrid football game (aka soccer game, for you Americans). They played Ajax, a team from Amsterdam, and Real Madrid was projected to win.  We had great seats in the center of the field and although we were a little high up, we were able to see everything perfectly.

Our view

Me, Lucy, Rex, and Alex

The last time I learned about the rules of a soccer game was when I played on my AYSO Pink Flamingo team, so the only knowledge I had last night is that there is a goalie, defense, and offense.  Believe it or not, it allowed me to have a general sense of what was going on in the game, but it was definitely helpful that the teams were wearing starkly different colored jerseys.  My friend also told me that Cristiano Ronaldo was wearing orange shoes, so I felt cool being able to not only name someone on the team, but also point him out on the field.  Regardless of my lack of knowledge about soccer technicalities, the game was a ton of fun and Real Madrid won! 3-0.

I anticipated the game being crazy and rowdy, full of overexcited, drunk Spanish men, but it was actually really laid back and respectable.  Everyone sat in their seats during the plays, stood up and cheered when a goal was scored, and weren't throwing food or drinks around like they might at Wrigley.  I'm sure this has something to do with the fact that they only served non-alcoholic beer at the stadium, but still, it was a very pleasant yet energetic atmosphere.

Another difference about this game compared to what I have experienced is the halftime tradition.  Normally at halftime I would expect some sort of entertainment on the field and people rushing to use the bathroom or buy some food and drinks.  In Spain, however, when halftime is called, everyone remains in their seats and pulls out a bocadillo, a sandwich.  It was the strangest thing I've ever seen.  Everyone around us had a tin foil wrapped sandwich that they munched on during halftime.  Here's the proof:

 Bocadillos behind me....

 Bocadillos to my right...

 More bocadillos...

My friend Danielle's host mom packed her a bocadillo for a reason...

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