Friday, October 7, 2011

Iom Kipur

So after all that, I ended up going to Yom Kippur services with another synagogue that held the services at a nearby hotel.  Apparently it's a new congregation that doesn't have a building yet (?) so they rented space in Hotel Princesa.  Sooo glad I went there instead! I met up with two Northwestern friends and a friend from high school (slash cousin), Sam Worth, at the hotel.  Everyone was so welcoming when we arrived, didn't grill me on any Jewish facts, and even asked if I wanted to be on their mailing list.  The services were about 2 hours long and were pretty much identical to those in the U.S., apart from it being entirely in Spanish.  The rabbi was also great and gave a really interesting sermon about how you define your social circles and how you stay connected with others.  Wish I could elaborate more, but I really only understood about 60% of what he said.

In class we are learning about the Inquisition in Spain, where Queen Isabel required everyone to convert to Catholicism or leave the country.  And as you can imagine, if people were suspected of practicing a different religion inside their homes, they were executed.  This theme lasted for years and is the reason that Spain is a predominantly Catholic country.  So since Judaism is rare here, it was really amazing to see a large group of people gather to practice their family's faith and keep the tradition alive.  It's not that easy to be openly Jewish in Spain, so I was thankful to have found a place to celebrate the holiday and feel that sense of community in a place so far away from home.

Now the plan is to sleep as long as possible and do very little activity tomorrow until I can break the fast.  My stomach is already growling.  Only 16 more hours to go...

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